04. Juli 2023
Lipoedema - The chance of a political breakthrough for an effective treatment is increasing!
On June 21, 2023, there was a round of questions and experts on the subject of lipoedema in the German Bundestag. A nationwide study on lipoedema patients is currently taking place to find out whether surgical therapy is superior to conservative decongestion therapy. However, only patients with stage III disease are currently included in the study. At this stage, the disease has progressed so far that surgical therapy is associated with many risks and usually no longer leads to a cure.
Experts agree that early intervention in stage II, better still I, can stop the disease and therefore have a curative and not just palliative effect.
Now, based on this knowledge, the political will to implement it still has to be achieved. We very much hope for our patients that this will happen as soon as possible and that the costs for this treatment can finally be covered by health insurance. A first step in this right direction may have been heralded by Question Time.
Further links on the topic:
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